Turizam u Bosni i Hercegovini seže još iz vremena starih Rimljana. Veliki cestovni projekt u dužini od 885 km, na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine s početka 1. stoljeća bio je temelj za daljnje grane cestovne mreže u BiH. Taj put je za Bosnu i Hercegovinu bio od strateškog značaj, jer je bio direktna poveznica Rimljana sa Centralnom i Istočnom Evropom. Padom Rimskog Carstva, u srednjem vijeku, ceste su djelomično ili u potpunosti bile van upotrebe, pa za mnoge danas znamo samo iz pisanih izvora ili pripovijesti. Veliki bosanskohercegovački narator Ćamil Sijarić u svojoj knjizi “Herceg-Bosno i tvoji gradovi” kaže: “ Putevi nisu vječni. Mnogi od njih su teško oštećeni, a novi nastaju u drugim novim pravcima. Stoga se brojne kaldrme završavaju u gustoj šumi, u koju više niko ne gazi. Želja da putujemo njima mogla bi nas odvesti u čarobna mjesta gdje su nekad bili gradovi, a danas gotovo ništa ili ako istrajemo u traženju možemo pronaći neke zidove ili znak uklesan u kamenu..." Najbolje očuvani ostaci rimskih puteva se nalaze u Nevesinju i blizu Stoca, malog grada na jugoistoku B&H.
U većem dijelu Evrope vremenom su blijedili antička vremena i putnici iz antičkih vremena, i naposlijetku u doba Renesanse putovanja su ponovo masovno popularizirana. Za razliku od ostatka Evrope, srednji vijek u Bosni i Hercegovini je bio zlatno doba, kako u teritorijalnom, tako i u kulturnom, vjerskom i socijalnom aspektu. Jedinstveni spomenici i znamenitosti iz tog razdoblja dokaz su tome. Ovi jedinstveni spomenici se mogu naći samo u Bosni i Hercegovini, i njihov najveći srednjovjekovni simbol je "Stećak".
“Stećak” je bez ikakve sumnje jedinstven simbol srednjovjekovne Bosne i Hercegovine. Hiljade ih se može naći između Jadranskog mora i Save, te rijeka Une i Drine.. Ljudi su ih prvenstveno zvali mermer, od grčke riječi “mnimorion” ili latinske “memory” u oba slučaja asocijacija na spomenik! Na njima su bili uklesani antički simboli bosanskog stanovništva- Bogumila- sa motivima zemlje, sunca, mjeseca, porodica, lova, plesa i molitve. Epitafi su na nadgrobnim spomenicima uklesani "Bosančicom", pismom korištenim u srednjovjekovnoj Bosni i Hercegovini, slično današnjoj Ćirilici. Ovi nadgrobni spomenici jedinstveni su u svijetu, i datiraju iz doba Kulina bana ( 1180-1204). U srednjem vijeku Bosna i Hercegovina je bila poznata kao Srebrena Bosna, a razlog tome je proizvodnja srebra. U srednjem vijeku, na svjetskom nivou, iz bosanskih rudnika eksploatisano je 25 tona srebra, dok je, poređenja radi, proizvodnja srebra u čitavoj Evropi bila 27 tona, godišnje. U Evropi je bila velika potražnja za predmetima od srebra iz Bosne. Svoju izuzetnu i neobičnu težinu imao je ženski bosanski pojas oko struka od 1 kg i 700 g srebra koji se prodavao po Sredozemlju.
Dolaskom Osmanlija u 16. stoljeću, Bosna i Hercegovina je dobila nove kulturne karakteristike, koje su danas posebno vidljive u arhitekturi nekih gradova BiH, kao i u demografskoj strukturi. During the Ottoman Empire in the cities were erected “hammams” (baths) and “bezistani” (shopping stores), on the roads were built khans and caravanserais (inns) The difference between the han and the caravanserai is that the passenger in the han paid for night inn and heating, while the caravanserai was free, while the care of food had to be taken by passenger himself. There were three types of the hans: those for gentlemen, the middle class and peasants. The hans were usually erected on each four-hour walk. With the arrival of the Austro-Hungarian 1878 in hans appeared tables, chairs and beds.
During the time of the Ottomans Bosnia and Herzegovina has become one of the leading spa resorts in the Balkans, the reason for this are abundant richness of these areas with thermal and mineral springs whose healing properties have always been known to people. Springs such as: Kruščica, Fojnica water, salt water in Tuzla, thermal water in Dobruna, spring Guber near Srebrenica, which in itself has arsenic, Sarajevo sorrel, sulfuric water at Ilidža, men’s water in Kladanj, Tešanj’s sorrel and many other springs, have had for a long time attracted people . It is noted that the Jews especially appreciated the hot sulfuric spas in Ilidža for treatment of gout where they remained on treatment for one month or more. In addition to thermal and mineral waters, in the 16th century Sarajevo was well known for a few “atar stores”, which are precursors of modern pharmacists. In the 18th century. Sarajevo has gained first asylum for the mentally ill which influenced Sarajevo to become one of the leading health destinations in the Ottoman Empire.
Sarajevo has heritage as the origin of the modern tourism in the Balkans. To meet the needs of guests who were arriving by train into the city the first large European-style hotel was built in 1882, today’s Hotel Europa. It was also the first major hotel of this kind in the Balkans. The Austro-Hungarian Minister Kallay particularly invested in the development of thermal spas on Ilidži. Until the First World War, Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the leading tourist destinations in the region. The strategic decision of the former state of Yugoslavia was that Bosnia frost heavy industry, metal, military and energy industries. In spite of such a strategy in Bosnia has been organized the largest cultural, sports and tourism events and the largest among has been ’84 Winter Olympics Games.
Touristic breakdown or complete collapse in Bosnia and Herzegovina was in late 1991 due to war escalation. In these unfortunate years until the end of the 20th century tourism in Bosnia and the region was on it’s knees. The dark past of the 20th century is behind of us, an Bosnia and Herzegovina today is amazingly beautiful and safe country with a vast array of symbols such as the magnificent natural landscapes, rich culture and traditions and hospitable and kind people, Bosnia and Herzegovina can be proud of its hospitality and treating our guests as if they were family members. And we know that families are in the heart.
If you want to experience unique Bosnia and Herzegovina or maybe discover the roads of the people and travelers from the past check one of our packages or handcraft it to your preferences. See more on tours packages…